The Einstein Fellowship 2025 in Germany is a great opportunity for bright young people who want to realize innovative projects to be inspired to learn and achieve their career goals. Students who want to do much more than professional work and want to invest in other fields are welcome to apply for this opportunity. People who meet all the eligibility requirements should take advantage of this great opportunity to travel and study with people from different backgrounds. This fully funded scholarship program is based on the pillars of equality without discrimination based on race, religion, and culture.
You will have an excellent opportunity to work with an international platform and develop the professionalism of your personality. The purpose of this research grant is to eliminate racial and other discrimination and to create a diverse network of think tanks around the world. In addition, this international scholarship will help you provide stay/ accommodation for almost 6 months in Einstein’s most beautiful garden house in Caputh, Brandenburg. Students are privileged to live within the shortest distance of universities and colleges.
The international grant aims to offer students a scholarship of 10,000 euros. In addition, travel expenses will be reimbursed from this funded grant. After completing the program, you can present your work in a public lecture. The Einstein Forum and the Wittgenstein Foundation are open for you to present your work and inform others about the challenges and findings of current affairs. It is important to mention your work demonstrates originality, quality, and viability. This project will help you stimulate your intellectual development. The European fellowship does not need to complete your Ph.D. degree program or hold a Ph.D. degree to apply for the Einstein Fellowship program in Germany.
The Einstein Forum, the most prestigious institute in the world, hosts fellowships for intellectuals from worldwide. The purpose of this foundation is to serve the public as an open laboratory of the mind. It provides many platforms to bring thinkers together to test new ideas and explore traditional ideas in new dimensions. This fully funded international scholarship abroad covers arts, humanities, natural and social sciences, politics, and ethics. Speakers have a chance to think outside the box about research problems and look for ways to combat them. The institute believes this institution cultivates curiosity, provides orientation, and creates creativity in people.
Summary of the Einstein Fellowship in Germany 2025
Host Country
- Germany
Host Institute
- The Einstein Forum (Daimler and Benz Foundation)
Program Category
- Fellowship
Fellowship Duration
- The fellowship duration span from 5 to 6 months
Application Deadline
- 1 June 2024
Benefits of the Einstein Fellowship 2025
The following are the benefits of the Einstein Fellowship in Germany:
- A fellowship stipend of up to 10,000 euros is granted.
- Re-adjustment of the travel costs occurred.
- Accommodation in a garden cabin, Einstein’s cottage.
Eligibility Criteria
- The candidate must be under the age of 35 years.
- The candidate should have a passion for learning.
- The candidate must want to explore other interdisciplinary approaches.
- For more information, please visit the official website.
How to Apply for the Fellowship Program?
- The students must apply through the official website link given below.
- Be sure to fill in the required fields in the application form.
- Fill out the application form carefully.
- Send your application with the required documents to the email address:
Required Documents for the Fellowship
- Project proposal on at least 2 pages.
- 2x letters of recommendation.
- The Curriculum Vitae.
Application Deadline
The applicant must apply for the Einstein Fellowship 2025 program by 1st June 2024 via the official link below. Late submission of applications will not be entertained.